Little Tiny Pen & Ink Portraits
(Sometimes seen in The Birchmere Calendars)

tiny portraitstiny portraits
tiny portraitstiny portraits

I've been producing the calendars for the Birchmere (America's Legendary Music Hall) since about 1990. If you've been to the club and seen the 8 1/2" x 11" black & white calendars on the tables displaying the acts for the current month, I'm the guy that produced the artwork. I put the information together and then "decorate" them. On the days there are no acts I add little cartoons or images related to music or Americana or holidays, etc. Fortunately for me, Gary has granted me much artistic liberty in this process.

I used to letter the entire calendar by hand until I got a computer back in 1997. Since then, I've occasionally drawn little pen & ink portraits of people on their birthday (maybe?). The actual size of the original drawing is approximately 1.25" square. Kind of an homage, I suppose, though the choice of characters is completely subjective and random, due to the fact that on the particular day no act was scheduled to play.

To see the current calendar click here and scroll down:

tiny portraitstiny portraits
tiny portraitstiny portraits